Fish Index 1!
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Fish 1

This is page 1 of my fish collection along with a breif summary of their care and specs!  I hope you enjoy, page 2 coming soon!


These are my two oldest fish, my pair of false percula clownfish.  I originally bought one and named "him" nemo, but ironically it was a female!   So I renamed her Nemona and added the smaller male and named him what other than Nemo.  These two are some of my fav. fish and when i walk up to the tank they will actually beg for food at the water's surface.  They're relativly easy to care for and eat just about everything!

Clownis just Hangin

  Coral Beauty!

This is one of my showfish, my Coral Beauty, named Queen.  She is a saltwater pigmy angelfish that loves to eat the algea off the live rock.  Hey I cant complain that she cleans!  She also eats EVERYTHING I put in the tank.  Well, she'd have to be my 2nd favorite fish becuase she swims into my rock work and comes out some where completely different.  What a cool fish!

Here comes the Queen!

  Flame Hawkfish

This is one of the newest additions to my tank and my number 3 favorite, which by the way is touch to rank since I love all my fish... I digress, he is a flame hawkfish and quite a character.  His name is cosmo, and he perches in various places in the tank becuase he lacks what is called a swim bladder.  He is a super predator, but has been well behaved so far and always ends up posing for pics!

Flame Hawk just sayin, WHHHAAATTTT!!!!!