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My Corals!

Heres some pics and basic info about my budding (literally) coral collection.  I'm just into the coral scene so check back to see some frags!

Neon Green Brain!

This was my first LPS or large polyped stony coral.  It had a solid neon green apperance at my favorite LFS (Frank's Tanks)  but when I brought it home it gained a rosy orange as well.  Its feed misis whenever, ususally it uses its sweeper tentacales to just grab some!  Hes in a medium flow, lower light enviroment.

Green Star Polyps, or GSP

These are a pretty specis of soft coral that enjoys the flow and is quite pretty.  They spread very quickly and started in the back corner of this rock and in two months have doubled in size!  Well, they enjoy just about every type of condition and hey, they look purdy dont they


This is one of my many mushrooms that have spread all over my tank from a single rock.  They're another soft coral and enjoy just about all conditions but high light and high flow.  They also enjoy nutrient rich (bad lol) water so they can tolerate my nitrates.  Very pretty, and not invasive yet

Zoas, Zos, Zoos, or Zoathaids

Well these are some of my favorite corals.  They're single polyps and spread either rapidly or slowly, depending on the type.  I've only got these ugly brown ones now but plan to add some more colorfull ones later.  Some contain posion and others dont but these brown and green certianly don't.  Oh, they've doubled in two months!  Also, they enjoy just about every type of flow and lighting!